5 Rules to Furnishing Your Living Room

5 Rules to Furnishing Your Living Room

Proportions are everything when designing a living room that feels comfortable and stylish. Here are 5 must-follow rules to get your living room proportions correct (and the order in which you should purchase furnishings for your living room.)

1. How to find the right size sofa for your living room

  • First measure the wall or opening that the sofa will be centered on. Then apply the following:
      • For a larger living room (think open concept), a sofa should be equal to or less than 3/4 of the wall length. For example, on a 15' wall, the sofa should be around 9-11'.
      • In a smaller living room, a sofa should be 2/3 of the wall length to maintain proportions. For example, on a 9' wall, the sofa should be no more than 6' long.

2. How to find the right size coffee table for your living room

  • Height: The ideal coffee table height is 1 - 2 inches lower than the sofa's seat height.
  • Length: The coffee table should be 2/3 the length of your sofa.

3. How to find the right accent chairs + tables for your living room

  • Chairs: Choose chairs that are of a similar height to the sofa.
  • Side Tables: These should be roughly the same height as the sofa arm.

4. How to determine the right size wall art

  • Open wall: Wall art should fill about 2/3 - 3/4 of the available wall space.
  • Above furniture: Art above furniture (ex: sofa or console) should be about 1/2 to 2/3 the width of the furniture.
  • Height of art: THIS IS IMPORTANT. The center of your artwork should be at eye level, which is typically about 56 to 60 inches from the floor.

5. Rug Rules

And there you have it! The recipe for a perfectly balanced living room ;) Of course, use these as a general guide and make exceptions as needed!